To deposit money you need to take the following steps.
- First, login to your account with your username and password.
- On the dashboard, click on the option of deposit money.
- Enter all the basic details. They include the amount you want to deposit and through which account you want to do so.
- Now select the account from where you want to transfer the money. You have the option of Easy-paisa and Jazz-Cash
- Select any of the options and click on the deposit option at the bottom.
- Now you will receive the confirmatory email or a message on your device.
- The transaction process will be successful and the selected amount will be received in your account.
Note: Overall the process for depositing the money is easy but you need to know that one wrong step can cause harm to yourself. You need to select the right amount and look for the right account. Once a transaction is successful it can not be undone.
How to withdraw money from RMG777?
The process that you followed for depositing money will also go for withdrawing money but with minor changes. You need to follow the given steps.
- First open the app and login to your account.
- Click on the dashboard and look for the option of money withdrawal.
- Click on it and a page will open where you have to fill in all the required details.
- The details include the money you want to withdraw from the account and in which account you want to transfer the money.
- You can click on the yes withdrawal option at the bottom when these details are filled in.
- The money will be withdrawn from your account.
- You will receive a confirmatory message that states the transfer of money from your RMG777 account to the selected account.
- You can transfer the amount to either a Jazz-Cash account or an Easy-Paisa account.
Note: The process is very simple but be careful in which account you are transferring the money because every step you take can not be untaken.